How Effective Is Inpatient Drug Rehab for Your Recovery? | CBH

How Effective Is Inpatient Drug Rehab for Your Recovery?

inpatient drug rehab

Choosing the right kind of treatment program and rehab facility is very important to treat addiction and substance abuse.

These treatment programs generally have two main categories: inpatient drug rehab and outpatient drug rehab.

Contact us for immediate support and get empowered at California Behavioral Health today.

Both have unique features and caters to individuals with different needs and requirements.

Difference Between Inpatient Drug Rehab and Outpatient Drug Rehab

There are many differences between inpatient drug rehab and outpatient drug rehab, the most common of which we’ve outlined below.

Inpatient Drug Rehab for Recovery


  • The most defining characteristic of this treatment is that it requires the patient to reside at the medical facility for the entire duration of the addiction recovery program.
  • The program typically lasts from 28 to 90 days- the exact duration depends on the individual needs and requirements of the patient.

Outpatient Drug Rehab for Recovery


  • In this type of treatment, the patient is allowed to live at home and continue with daily life outside of treatment hours. They are required to give a few hours to treatment during the day, depending on specific individual needs.
  • The program typically lasts from 3 months to almost a year.

Reasons Why Inpatient Drug Rehab Is More Effective for Drug Addiction

Many people prefer inpatient drug treatment at residential treatment centers over outpatient programs for drug addiction and recovery. It is mainly because the former is more effective in treating drug addiction problems.

There are also many other reasons why that is true:

  • It offers a sober and stable environment for the patient, where they have no chance of going back to using drugs or other addictive substances.
  • Vigilant supervision and round the clock support offered by the medical professional in our  inpatient substance abuse treatment significantly reduces the risk of relapse.
  • The patient has reduced or limited exposure to triggers and stressors in that environment.
  • The treatment at an inpatient drug rehab facility is longer and more intense, which has a higher likelihood of success in terms of full recovery.
  • Depending on the facility, many of these programs offer specialized services such as meditation, yoga, acupuncture, etc. to help patients in every way possible.

The Best Time to Choose Inpatient Drug Rehab Over Outpatient Rehab

When choosing drug treatment programs, many people lean more towards choosing an inpatient drug rehab facility over outpatient rehab for addiction recovery.

The best or ideal time to choose inpatient drug treatment is when:

  • Your living environment isn’t supportive of sobriety.
  • You don’t have a strong support network to help you stay sober.
  • You have family members around you who do drugs and drink in your presence.
  • You need specialized services such as gender-specific rehab, for instance.
  • You have the option to leave your job, school, seek treatment.

How Much Is the Drug Rehab Success Rate?

Till a few years back, mental health conditions and addictive behaviors were considered to be a separate issue from each other. This condition was the main reason why the drug rehab success rate was so low back in the days, and so many deaths were occurring due to this distinction.

However, in more recent times, many drug treatment centers and programs are offering dual diagnosis residential treatment, which provides mental health care and inpatient substance abuse treatment at the same time.

The drug rehab success rate has gone up considerably in the last few years, owing to dual diagnosis treatment options and methods.

Choose CBH for the Best Inpatient Treatment

It is very important to choose the best inpatient drug rehab to treat addiction and recover from drug abuse.

California Behavioral Health is one of the most popular residential treatment centers in Palm Springs, California, which provides all the right tools and treatment methods necessary to treat addiction and ensure full long-term recovery.

It is known to be the best inpatient drug rehab in California with the most effective ways for those who don’t find outpatient rehabs to be helpful.

Inpatient Drug Treatment That Focuses on Both the Mind and Body

A characteristic feature of the inpatient drug rehab programs at CBH is that they place great emphasis on both the mind and body. They believe that both these things are essential to treat and overcome addiction problems.

Most of the drug treatment programs at CBH focus on improving a person’s mental state to make them better able to overcome their addictive behaviors.

CBH Is Here to Help You

If you have a loved one who is battling serious addiction problems, know that you or they aren’t alone. We, at CBH, are right here to help you with the best inpatient treatment that guarantees full recovery and very less to zero chances of relapse.

Contact us now and get in touch with experienced medical professionals at our facility to address all your concerns. 

inpatient drug rehab

Choosing the right kind of treatment program and rehab facility is very important to treat addiction and substance abuse.

These treatment programs generally have two main categories: inpatient drug rehab and outpatient drug rehab.

Contact us for immediate support and get empowered at California Behavioral Health today.

Both have unique features and caters to individuals with different needs and requirements.

Difference Between Inpatient Drug Rehab and Outpatient Drug Rehab

There are many differences between inpatient drug rehab and outpatient drug rehab, the most common of which we’ve outlined below.

Inpatient Drug Rehab for Recovery


  • The most defining characteristic of this treatment is that it requires the patient to reside at the medical facility for the entire duration of the addiction recovery program.
  • The program typically lasts from 28 to 90 days- the exact duration depends on the individual needs and requirements of the patient.

Outpatient Drug Rehab for Recovery


  • In this type of treatment, the patient is allowed to live at home and continue with daily life outside of treatment hours. They are required to give a few hours to treatment during the day, depending on specific individual needs.
  • The program typically lasts from 3 months to almost a year.

Reasons Why Inpatient Drug Rehab Is More Effective for Drug Addiction

Many people prefer inpatient drug treatment at residential treatment centers over outpatient programs for drug addiction and recovery. It is mainly because the former is more effective in treating drug addiction problems.

There are also many other reasons why that is true:

  • It offers a sober and stable environment for the patient, where they have no chance of going back to using drugs or other addictive substances.
  • Vigilant supervision and round the clock support offered by the medical professional in our  inpatient substance abuse treatment significantly reduces the risk of relapse.
  • The patient has reduced or limited exposure to triggers and stressors in that environment.
  • The treatment at an inpatient drug rehab facility is longer and more intense, which has a higher likelihood of success in terms of full recovery.
  • Depending on the facility, many of these programs offer specialized services such as meditation, yoga, acupuncture, etc. to help patients in every way possible.

The Best Time to Choose Inpatient Drug Rehab Over Outpatient Rehab

When choosing drug treatment programs, many people lean more towards choosing an inpatient drug rehab facility over outpatient rehab for addiction recovery.

The best or ideal time to choose inpatient drug treatment is when:

  • Your living environment isn’t supportive of sobriety.
  • You don’t have a strong support network to help you stay sober.
  • You have family members around you who do drugs and drink in your presence.
  • You need specialized services such as gender-specific rehab, for instance.
  • You have the option to leave your job, school, seek treatment.

How Much Is the Drug Rehab Success Rate?

Till a few years back, mental health conditions and addictive behaviors were considered to be a separate issue from each other. This condition was the main reason why the drug rehab success rate was so low back in the days, and so many deaths were occurring due to this distinction.

However, in more recent times, many drug treatment centers and programs are offering dual diagnosis residential treatment, which provides mental health care and inpatient substance abuse treatment at the same time.

The drug rehab success rate has gone up considerably in the last few years, owing to dual diagnosis treatment options and methods.

Choose CBH for the Best Inpatient Treatment

It is very important to choose the best inpatient drug rehab to treat addiction and recover from drug abuse.

California Behavioral Health is one of the most popular residential treatment centers in Palm Springs, California, which provides all the right tools and treatment methods necessary to treat addiction and ensure full long-term recovery.

It is known to be the best inpatient drug rehab in California with the most effective ways for those who don’t find outpatient rehabs to be helpful.

Inpatient Drug Treatment That Focuses on Both the Mind and Body

A characteristic feature of the inpatient drug rehab programs at CBH is that they place great emphasis on both the mind and body. They believe that both these things are essential to treat and overcome addiction problems.

Most of the drug treatment programs at CBH focus on improving a person’s mental state to make them better able to overcome their addictive behaviors.

CBH Is Here to Help You

If you have a loved one who is battling serious addiction problems, know that you or they aren’t alone. We, at CBH, are right here to help you with the best inpatient treatment that guarantees full recovery and very less to zero chances of relapse.

Contact us now and get in touch with experienced medical professionals at our facility to address all your concerns. 

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