Dual Diagnosis Treatment Center | California Behavioral Health
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Dual Diagnosis Treatment Program

Most Effective Dual Diagnosis Treatment Center in Palm Springs

California Behavioral Health serves as the most effective dual diagnosis treatment center in Palm Springs.

At our treatment oasis located in California, we can help you on your road to recovery with our specialized, proven treatment.

We don’t only treat the disease of the addiction, we also treat its root cause of mental health illness, so that when you leave you are less likely to relapse and more likely to live a more fulfilling, meaningful life.

You’ll have more confidence to strive for your goals and achieve your dreams, finally living the life you deserve.

About California Behavioral Health’s Dual Diagnosis Treatment Center

Dual diagnosis recovery consists of the most successful aspects of substance abuse treatment and mental health care. These areas are treated together to create one healthy individual who understands themselves better, can avoid triggers, and feels worthy of more.

We do not draw a hard line between psychiatric health and addiction at our dual diagnosis treatment center. Our expert staff has the training and credentials to treat both of these, and each service is personalized expertly for various residents.

We understand that finding the right program and the right dual diagnosis treatment centers can be tough, but with the services provided at our dual diagnosis treatment center, you can expect the following:

  • Parallel treatment of your mental health and substance use disorders with our highly trained, caring team.
  • Acknowledgment of the importance of medications such as anti-anxiety meds during the treatment of co-occurring disorders.
  • A supportive approach to therapy that will increase self-esteem and build confidence. No negative statements.
  • An inclusive treatment strategy that may include the whole family with individual counseling, group meetings, and education.

Why Dual Diagnosis Treatment Is Important

Understanding the importance of dual diagnosis treatment is crucial to addressing the complex needs of individuals struggling with co-occurring disorders.

Dual diagnosis, also known as co-occurring disorders, refers to the presence of both a mental health disorder and a substance use disorder in an individual. These conditions often interact in ways that exacerbate both, making treatment of co-occurring disorders more challenging.

A dual diagnosis treatment approach is vital because it addresses both disorders simultaneously, recognizing that each condition impacts the other.

Without this integrated treatment approach, treating one disorder while neglecting the other could lead to incomplete recovery and a higher risk of relapse. By providing comprehensive care that considers all aspects of an individual’s health, dual diagnosis treatment centers offer a more effective path towards lasting recovery.

What To Expect When Starting Your Dual Diagnosis Treatment

Out of the many dual-diagnosis treatment centers out there, California Behavioral Health offers the best pathway to recovery.

Our team uses an individualized treatment method and will take every aspect of your mental health, personality and spirituality into account. We ensure you are treated as a person with goals and dreams, and we help you to understand your strengths so that you can use them as leverage during your recovery.

Our approach to recovery is totally comprehensive as we simultaneously treat addiction and underlying mental health issues.

True recovery and change can only begin with a change of mindset and lifestyle. Our methods are holistic and designed to work with your body, mind, and spirit as one to bring about that change.

Together, we will create the building blocks for lasting sobriety with our co-occurring disorders treatment.

Our team specializes in creating individualized treatment programs for each person who enters our center in need of recovery. We will respect your beliefs throughout your experience with us, whether religious, spiritual, or personal. We will teach you how to use your own strengths and beliefs to achieve the life you have desired with our effective integrated dual diagnosis treatment.

Our Process Of Dual Diagnosis Treatment

Comprehensive Assessment

The process begins with an in-depth evaluation to diagnose both mental health disorders and substance abuse patterns.

This helps in understanding the severity of the condition and the intricate relationship between the individual’s mental health and substance abuse issues.

Personalized Treatment Plan

Based on the assessment, a customized dual diagnosis treatment program is developed.

This typically includes a mix of therapies like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), medication management, and participation in support groups.

Multidisciplinary Support

Throughout the treatment journey, the individual is backed by a multidisciplinary team of professionals.

These experts are trained to handle the complexities of dual diagnosis, offering guidance, support, and adjustments to the treatment plan as needed.

Long-Term Recovery Strategy

The holistic approach of dual diagnosis treatment doesn’t stop at addressing the immediate symptoms.

It also equips individuals with strategies and tools they need for long-term recovery and wellness, ensuring a more sustainable path to health and sobriety.

Types Of Dual Diagnosis Treatment Programs

An effective dual diagnosis treatment program caters to individuals who are suffering from both a mental health disorder and substance use disorder simultaneously.

This type of program aims to address both issues concurrently, as neglecting one can severely impact the progress of treating the other. Here are some types of dual diagnosis treatment programs:

Dual Diagnosis Detox

The first step in many dual diagnosis treatment program is detoxification.

In a luxury setting, dual diagnosis detox involves medically supervised withdrawal management with the comfort of high-end amenities.

The process aims to clear the body of harmful substances while managing withdrawal symptoms and any co-occurring mental health issues.

Luxury Residential Treatment

Luxury residential treatment provides 24-hour care in an upscale, live-in facility.

Along with both individual therapy and group therapy sessions, patients have access to top-tier medical and psychiatric care and can enjoy amenities like private rooms, gourmet meals, and recreational activities.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment Aftercare

Dual diagnosis treatment doesn’t end when you step out of the rehab facility; it’s a lifelong journey that requires consistent effort, care, and commitment.

Aftercare is a critical component of this journey, ensuring that individuals continue to thrive post-rehabilitation. It includes support systems like therapy, counseling, group meetings, and sometimes medication to help manage symptoms.

Aftercare for dual diagnosis treatment is tailored to each individual’s unique needs, focusing on both their mental health disorder and substance abuse issue.

This continuous care can significantly reduce the risk of relapse, provide coping strategies for stress and triggers, and help individuals maintain their recovery while improving their overall quality of life.

Most Common Dual Diagnosis Mental Health Disorders

When an individual experiences both a mental illness and a substance use disorder simultaneously, this situation can complicate the treatment process due to the complex interplay between the two conditions.

Here are some of the most common dual diagnosis mental health and substance use disorders.

Depression and Alcoholism

Depression is a mood disorder characterized by persistent feelings of sadness and loss of interest in activities. Many people with depression may turn to alcohol as a coping mechanism, leading to alcoholism. This combination of mood disorders is one of the most common dual diagnoses.

Anxiety and Drug Abuse

Anxiety disorders involve persistent, excessive worry that doesn’t go away, even in the absence of stress. Some people may resort to drugs to manage their symptoms, which can lead to addiction, creating a dual diagnosis scenario.

Bipolar Disorder and Substance Abuse

Bipolar disorder, a condition causing extreme mood swings, is often paired with substance abuse.

Individuals may use drugs or alcohol to cope with manic or depressive episodes, ultimately leading to addiction.

Schizophrenia and Drug Addiction

Schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder that affects how a person thinks, feels, and behaves.

It’s not uncommon for those with schizophrenia to also suffer from drug addiction, often as a way to self-medicate their symptoms.

These are just a few examples of dual diagnosis mental health disorders. If you or a loved one are experiencing any of these conditions, it’s crucial to seek professional help.

Remember, recovery from dual diagnosis is possible with the right treatment and support.

More About Our Services

In our co-occurring disorders treatment center, we understand that there should be no such thing as a cookie cutter approach to addiction recovery.

There’s certainly no one size fits all process, which is why our services are tailored to each person we treat – Everybody is different and should be treated as such.

We all have distinct physical responses to substances, and our past experiences, beliefs, and desires are what makes us unique. The integrated dual disorder treatment that we offer takes all of this into account to make for a more positive experience and effective recovery.

Co-occurring disorders treatment at California Behavioral Health will help you with both your addictions and mental health issues. We endeavor to get right to the route of your addiction to achieve a long-term, successful recovery that will change your life.

Not every recovery clinic offers integrated dual diagnosis treatment, and instead, they focus solely on treating the addiction.

Addiction may be treated with replacement medication and is unlikely to take religious and spiritual beliefs into account. They often use a cookie cutter approach which does not work for everybody, and this can keep people in the same cycle of use and recovery for years – either until they discover your co-occurring disorders treatment center or until something else happens.

What Makes Us Different?

As well as our integrated dual disorder treatment, the thing that sets us apart from other treatment centers is our effective, caring, and experienced team.

We have a number of caring clinicians, therapists, and addiction recovery specialists on board, along with our licensed staff members who employ leading recovery methods.

We give every person the chance of an effective recovery and better life at our dual diagnosis rehab in Palm Springs.

Benefits of Our Dual Diagnosis Treatment Center

At California Behavioral Health, we not only provide world-class, clinically tested treatment methods with luxury amenities, but also ensure that every patient enjoys the privacy and comfort of their own bedroom and bathroom.

This personal space is integral to our approach, as it allows you to have a serene and private environment where you can reflect, relax, and focus on your healing journey.

Our facility’s commitment to privacy and comfort complements our effective dual diagnosis program. You will not only achieve incredible results but also discover a deeper understanding of yourself in the tranquility of your personal space.

We aim to help you uncover what drives you, learn methods to continue your recovery and sobriety and emerge from our Palm Springs facility feeling rejuvenated and transformed.

As the most effective dual diagnosis treatment center in Palm Springs, we are dedicated to providing a holistic approach that treats you as a unique individual. We’re open 24/7 for free, confidential help and advice. If you’re seeking a lifelong recovery and want to prevent relapse, our program, supported by the privacy and luxury of personal bedrooms and bathrooms, is designed for you.

Contact us to learn more about how our personalized approach, coupled with our commitment to comfort and privacy, can help you on your journey to recovery. We are eager to assist you in taking the first step towards a new, healthier version of yourself.

Frequently Asked Questions On Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers

How Prevalent Is Dual Diagnosis?

The prevalence of dual diagnosis, characterized by the simultaneous presence of a mental illness and a substance use disorder, is alarmingly high and represents a significant health concern.

In the United States alone, over nine million individuals are estimated to meet the criteria for a dual diagnosis. Notably, men constitute a majority of this demographic, comprising over half of those affected.

Statistics reveal that the occurrence of dual diagnoses varies significantly depending on the population studied and the specific substances involved.

In various settings, the incidence of dual diagnoses has been observed to range from 61% to as high as 88%. This wide range underscores the complexity and variability of these conditions across different groups and substance use patterns.

This high prevalence highlights the critical need for specialized treatment approaches like those offered at dual-diagnosis treatment centers. These facilities are equipped to address the intricate interplay between mental health and substance use disorders, offering a more comprehensive and effective approach to treatment and recovery. The widespread nature of dual diagnosis further emphasizes the importance of public awareness, early intervention, and accessible treatment options to address this growing health issue.

What Are The Challenges In Diagnosing Dual Disorders?

The challenges in diagnosing dual disorders, where a patient suffers from both substance abuse and mental health disorders, are significant and multifaceted. One of the primary difficulties arises from the overlapping and often intertwined symptoms of these conditions. Substance abuse can mimic, mask, or exacerbate mental health symptoms, making it hard to distinguish which symptoms are due to substance use and which are due to an underlying mental health disorder.

This complexity necessitates a comprehensive and nuanced approach to assessment and evaluation. Health professionals must carefully parse out symptoms to accurately identify both the mental health disorder and the substance use disorder. This process can be further complicated by the fact that substance abuse can induce psychiatric symptoms that might not have been present otherwise, or it can aggravate pre-existing mental health conditions.

Moreover, the stigma associated with both mental illness and substance abuse can lead to underreporting of symptoms by patients. Individuals might be reluctant to disclose the extent of their substance use or might not fully recognize or understand their mental health symptoms. This can lead to a partial or complete misdiagnosis.

Furthermore, the fluctuating nature of both disorders adds to the diagnostic challenge. The severity and manifestation of symptoms can vary over time, influenced by factors like stress, substance use patterns, and overall health.

Given these challenges, diagnosing dual disorders often requires a multidisciplinary approach that includes mental health professionals, substance abuse specialists, and sometimes medical practitioners. A detailed history of the individual’s mental health, substance use, and overall physical health is crucial, along with a consideration of their social and environmental factors.

Only through such a thorough and holistic approach can accurate diagnosis and effective treatment planning be achieved.

What Is The Role Of a Dual Diagnosis Treatment Center?

The role of a dual diagnosis treatment center is pivotal and multifaceted, catering specifically to individuals who grapple with the complex interplay of mental health and substance abuse issues.

These centers are designed to provide integrated and comprehensive care that addresses both aspects simultaneously, acknowledging that treating one without the other can be ineffective and may lead to relapse.

A key element of dual diagnosis treatment centers is their integrated approach. Traditional treatment models often address either substance abuse or mental health issues in isolation. However, dual diagnosis centers recognize that these issues are often deeply interconnected, and effective treatment requires a holistic approach that addresses both concurrently. This involves a combination of medication management, psychotherapy, behavioral therapies, and support groups, all tailored to the individual’s unique needs.

Another critical role of these centers is the provision of a supportive and understanding environment. Staff at dual-diagnosis treatment centers are typically trained in both mental health and substance abuse treatment, offering a level of expertise and empathy that is crucial for patients dealing with the complexities of dual disorders. This supportive setting helps patients feel safe and understood, which is essential for effective treatment and recovery.

Moreover, dual-diagnosis treatment centers often offer a range of therapies designed to treat the whole person. This might include cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) to address thought and behavior patterns, family therapy to improve relationship dynamics, and holistic therapies like mindfulness, yoga, or art therapy to support overall well-being.

Additionally, these centers play a vital role in relapse prevention. By addressing the underlying mental health issues that often contribute to substance abuse, dual diagnosis treatment can lead to more sustainable, long-term recovery outcomes. They equip patients with coping strategies and tools to manage both their mental health symptoms and their substance use, thereby reducing the likelihood of relapse.

In summary, the role of dual diagnosis treatment centers is to offer a comprehensive, integrated, and empathetic approach to treatment, providing the necessary tools and support for individuals to manage both their mental health and substance abuse issues effectively. This holistic approach is crucial for fostering lasting recovery and improving overall quality of life for those struggling with dual disorders.

How Long Does Treatment Typically Last in Dual Diagnosis Programs?

The length of treatment in dual diagnosis programs is highly individualized and can vary significantly depending on a range of factors. Typically, the duration of these programs can range from a few weeks to several months, and in some cases, extended or ongoing support may be necessary.

Several key factors influence the length of treatment:

Individual Needs and Circumstances

Each person’s situation is unique, with different levels of severity and types of mental health and substance use disorders.

Treatment duration is tailored to meet these individual needs.

Severity and Complexity of the Dual Diagnosis

More severe or complex cases, where the symptoms of mental health disorders and substance abuse are deeply intertwined, may require longer treatment periods.

This allows for a more thorough and gradual approach to addressing both issues effectively.

Progress in Recovery

The pace of recovery varies from person to person.

Some individuals might respond quickly to treatment, while others may need more time to work through the challenges associated with their dual diagnosis.

Treatment Approach and Modalities

The specific methods and therapies used can also impact the duration of treatment.

Some approaches may lead to quicker results, while others, especially those focusing on deeper behavioral and psychological issues, might necessitate a longer commitment.

Support System and Environment

The presence of a strong support system and a stable environment can influence the treatment duration.

Those with supportive families and a stable living situation may progress through treatment faster than those without such support.

Continuum of Care

Treatment for dual diagnosis often involves multiple stages, including detoxification, inpatient treatment, outpatient programs, and aftercare or ongoing support.

The transition between these stages is based on individual progress and readiness.

It’s important to note that the goal of dual diagnosis treatment is not only to address the immediate issues but also to equip individuals with long-term strategies for managing their mental health and maintaining sobriety.

This holistic approach to recovery may mean that even after the initial intensive phase of treatment, individuals might continue with ongoing therapy, support groups, or other forms of maintenance care to sustain their recovery.


  • My name is Matthew and I was a resident here at CBH from 6/22/2020 through 7/23/2020.. I just Graduated the program in 32 days and I am writing this because I am truly Thankful to them All.. I would like to Give CBH 7 Stars but it will only like me give 5.

    Matthew N.
  • I didn’t notice any weaknesses during my stay. They have an amazing team here at CBH. I never feel judged, I’m able to be open and vulnerable. I trust the whole treatment staff care about my sobriety. I truly feel the care from all staff members. They truly show that they care about me and my sobriety. I never feel pressured or rushed. Everyone on staff gives me respect. All staff members are always friendly, hear me out and are very professional.

    Jose C.
  • I came to California Behavioral Health when I was finally at the point where I thought life was no longer worth living. Once I got to CBH my whole life changed as I have never met more caring people in my whole life.

    Julie C.
  • The kitchen staff not only makes delicious food, but they take care of my dietary requests also. They go above and beyond to not only provide what I need but also what I want. The nursing staff here always know where I’m at and how I’m feeling. It’s not just a job for them. They show me that they care about my recovery. The doctors here care about my health not just for recovery, but also for when I leave here. The therapists here have been a major part of one of the biggest and best changes I’ve ever made in my life, for my life. My experience here has not only helped me to recover but also provided me with tools to remain so when I return home. Thank you for helping me find myself and for helping me to realize that I like myself and am excited about being myself, strong and with no slavery to addiction. This is an amazing place! I don’t know how you found such awesome employees. I never once heard a negative word come out of their mouths. Always happy and outgoing, even when some of the guests were being d-bags. This place is awesome, great staff, good activities and the food is so good.

    Cassandra W.
  • Let me start by saying that this place has saved my life as I had been struggling with alcoholism since getting out of college. I had tried numerous 12 step programs and always experienced somewhere that I always struggled to relate with. Once I arrived at California Behavioral Health, they welcomed me with open arms.

    Andy W
  • I personally feel I was given the best treatment possible not just for my alcoholism but my underlying concerns as well. I am very grateful for the chance I was given The atmosphere has always been positive and up lifting and for the most part the participants have kept me laughing to the point my jaws hurt. I’m grateful to be a part of a great group of people and as my time here will expire soon I will carry all of you in my thoughts and ❤️. From the first day I got here I felt comfortable and safe.

    Michael W.
  • I’m very great full to be here….Therapy & EMDR sessions have been amazing. I see a bright light at the end of this tunnel. The staff are incredibly caring, kind and it’s apparent it’s GENUINE.

    Lawrence R.
  • Thank you so much for everything you have done for me. I feel I have found Alissa again! Without CBH I wouldn’t be where i am today! <3

    Alissa G.
  • One on one sessions with my therapists were fitted to my needs. Comfortable living quarters and the chef’s made wonderful meals. Program allows me to have down time when I need it. I am treated like an adult.

    Jennifer E.

    Addiction Treatment Information

    California Behavioral Health

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    (888) 355-1676

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