Alcoholism, Alcohol Misuse, and Treatment Stats in Greater Los Angeles
Alcohol and other drug use impose a significant burden in Los Angeles County, with 2,990 related deaths, 146,087 related emergency department visits, and 139,179 related hospitalizations occurring annually, according to data reported by Los Angeles County. The average charge per hospitalization is $103,372, contributing to $14.3 billion in AOD-related hospital charges.
From fiscal years 2018-2019 to 2022-2023, an average of 34,297 patients were admitted annually to publicly funded substance abuse disorder treatment programs in the county. Around 2.9 million Californians (12+) experienced a substance use disorder in the past year, the California Health Care Foundation reported in January 2022. Six percent met the criteria for alcohol abuse or dependence. A single-day count on March 29, 2019, revealed that 11% of the total substance abuse treatment enrollment in the state was for alcohol only; 60% of the individuals receiving treatment were enrolled for drug abuse treatment only, while 29% were enrolled for both drug and alcohol abuse treatment.