Drug and Alcohol Counseling Statistics in Southern California
Based on 2022 data from the Los Angeles County Public Health Department, approximately 1,482,612 people needed treatment for substance use disorder (SUD), equating to a prevalence rate of 17.3% among those 12+. Recent data revealed that from 2018 to 2019, about 2.9 million people 12 and older, constituting 9% of California’s population, had experienced an SUD in the past year.
On March 29, 2019, a single-day count found 96,690 people enrolled in substance abuse treatment in the Golden State, with 11% for alcohol, 60% for drugs, and 29% for both substances. Nationally, 4% of adults had both an SUD and any mental illness, including 1% with a serious mental illness. Young adults aged 18 to 25 showed a higher prevalence of these co-occurring conditions than older adults.